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In the afternoon a school of Killer Whales was passed they presented something of the following appearance [[image]] 

Monday May 7  1877
Arose at daylight 4 a.m. we were just passing the Island of Akontan which was on our right. 

The active volcano upon this Is. and bearing the same name was obscured by smoke & fog so only a glimpse of its base could be seen. -

For some time we were apparantly heading for the precipitous side of Ounalaska which lay before us but soon a pass between the two Is, about 1½ miles wide was revealed and we passed into it and soon a bold head known as the "Priest" came in view and about 7:00 we turned into the bay which took us through a narrow channel into the harbor of Ounalaska where we dropped anchor at 8 a.m. & after a passage of 11 days 8 hrs from San Francisco all the Islands which I have seen have here are very high and [[strikethrough]] [[preci]] [[/strikethough]]  descend almost

Transcription Notes:
Image - sketch of killer whales in sea, 5 swimming side by side, a sixth crossing their path (arching out of the water) and behind them a boat