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tunes and readily heard to play upon various instruments as the violin, guitar, accordion &c.

Sea otter notes from Capt. Peterson who has been agent for A.C.Co at Sanak Is in 1874 & 75 and had charge of hunting parties of natives who were killing otters.

About Sanak are many small Is. and rocks in the Pacific and among these the sea otter breeds and takes refuge during gales - 

The young are brought forth upon secluded rocks and are soon after taken too sea in the arms of its mother which continues to care for it until it is  [[strikethrough]] becomes [[strikethrough]] about a [[strikethrough]] full grown [[/strikethrough]] year old. As the she otter approaches the shore with a young one in her arms, if she is surprised by the sight of a person standing on shore she will drop the baby and disappear to return after the fright is over and reclaim the young unless it has been captured during her absense -  the ♂ [[male]] on the contrary when surprised with a young one will carry it under with him and when they are paired the male will often seize the ♀ [[female]] if she be wounded and carry her off in his fore legs or arms. 

This is the best otter ground in the territory some 500 or 600 being taken in the vicinity during [[strikethrough]] a single day [[/strikethrough]] the season. The young are very foolish and until they are 5 or 6 years old do not become very shy but with age they get wisdom and become difficult animals to shoot. 

They are 8-10 years in getting full sized. Capt. P. thinks the young are carried until the ♀ [[female]] is ready to give birth to another when the first is cast adrift. The natives have a rule that none of them is to fire a gun while on the hunting ground as this would drive the otter away. From the shore however they may shoot  

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