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Ouna [[good guess?]] Ka   May 26 1877 [[strike out]] I di [[/strikeout]]

Went out in the afternoon in a 3 holed Bidarkie for the first time.   I can testify to the pleasure one has in [[strikeout]] gliding [[/strikeout]] gliding rapidly along through the water or rather over the water in one of these boats which although so frail that in passing over kelp beds the frame work and skin can be felt yielding to the long leaves as [[srikeout]] they glide [[/strikeout]] we pass over, and the long swells bend the boat from stem to stern yet so elastic and strong are they that it requires a [[strikeout]] stron [[/strikeout]] heavy sea to deter the hardy natives from going about in them or rather in the still smaller one or two hold bidarkies.  With a man in front and behind to paddle