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of Savanna Sparrows.
A Gyrfalcons was hovering over the bluff in the rear of the town at noon but disappeared in a short time. Saw the burrows of some small mice on a flat near the town.

Tuesday - June 5, 1877 -
Went out just before noon in a 3-holed bidarkie-alone. Although my first trip in a bidarkie alone I found no difficulty in keeping my perpendicular and went several miles to the Lead of Captain's Harbor.
Saw a lot of Stellers Eiders but they proved to shy for me to get any. Also saw a lot of [[strikethrough]]H[[/strikethrough]] Harlequin ducks in a flock at the head of the harbor. They exhibited their usual wildness. A pair of fish ducks (Mungus) which appeard to be [[Mesiwater?]] flew from a small bay so I entered.

Some small porpoises come into the harbor every evening to feed [[strikethrough]] into [[/strikethrough]] on the fish in shallow water.

They roll up on the surface every few feet while fishing but only show their dorsal fin & a small portion of the back.

Eagles are very common but are all the White-headed species.

The Schr. Gen. Millar arrived in the p.m from the Western Is.[[Island]] Mr. Greenebaum brought me a specimen of the "Choochkie" which he said were in the greatest abundance about Kyska and other of the western Aleutian Is.[[Island]] I have seen none about Ounalaska yet. Mr. Newman of [[Shcheswoosky?]] tells me he has a [[spm?]] of a peculiar [[??]] seal which