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from his description must be a [[Phooa?]] 

Wednesday, June 6, 1877

In the morning I learned that the Schr. Gen. Miller was to take in the St. Michaels Cargo and proceed to that place at once so I went at work getting my specimens packed and things in readiness to start the coming Saturday.

Skinned the birds on hand and packed the most of my material.

Thursday, June 7, 1877

Continued yesterdays work. Found that the large birds I had collected soon after my arrival had not cured but a little so had to pack them to take with me. Find that I have secured quite a valuable lot of ethnological specimens by levying contribution on the collections of Col. Woods [[Red?]] Collector  and Messrs Greenebaum and Armstrong of the A.C.Co. 

Friday, June 8, 1877

Finished my preparations for departure and skinned a specimen of Halibut that the Chief [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] brought in. Some young salmon about 3 inches long were brought me from the creek near town they were light silvery bluish with dark, vertical bars along the sides.

Sat., June 9, 1877

A dead calm until about 9 A.M. The tide was very loud and from the deck of the schooner alongside the wharf many sponges, echini, starfishes, a few Bryozoans and some silky white [[crossed out]] No [[/crossed out]] [[image]] sea anemones with long stalks were fastened along the upright piles of the wharf.