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June 23 1877
Went out back of the fort with Mr. Turner in the evening. Saw plenty of Lap. longspurs in breeding plumage and a pair of Golden Plover which were evidently breeding on the tundra. A stercorarius parasiticus flew by and was badly wounded and fell a short distance off. While going after it a ♀ Somateria v-nigra [[spectabilis crossed-out]] flew from a nest of 5 eggs close by - she was afterwards secured. We also saw quite a number of Budytes Flava.
The eiders nest was composed of a fine down lining to a slight depression in the moss.

June 24, 1877
Stayed about the Redoubt. Nothing of importance occured until June 25 1877
[[/crossed out]]

June 23 continued
In the evening a meeting of the white population of the Redoubt and of the opposite shore was called on board the Gen. Miller to consider the propriety of sending a man by the name of Kunuqan [[best guess]] who shot a Mr. Boyle at Kohuakoff [[best guess]] on the Kuskoqnim [[best guess]] the 25th of March 1877. [[crossed out]] Mr. B. was shot [[/crossed-out]] down to Ounalaska to be handed over to the Capt. of the Revenue Cutter "Richard Rush", Capt. Bailey, to be taken to San Francisco for trial. An interview was held with some relatives of Kunuqan one Saxie [[best guess]] and Ughnapughuk [[best guess]] a noted trader and rascal who is feared both by whites and natives. They are all Mahlemuts. The latter expressed his disapproval of the proposed measure and somewhat

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