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was obtained. Some Phalaropus fulicarius and Limosa uropygialis were seen also Grus fraterculus. Several Pintail Ducks and Larus brachyrhynchus.
A curious scoter was obtained ♀ & ♂ they are about the size of Oedemia americana  with a large triangular white patch on the occiput. The rest of the plumage black in ♂. The feet were black with dark reddish orange showing on webs & along angles, joints & sentellae, the bill black with two large dusky orange spots on sides of upper mandible just in advance of nostrils & slightly connected. We went around the northern end of the Is. 

June 26- 1877-
The wind proving too strong we were obliged to return by way of the canal. Stopped near the mouth for some more wood and I improved the opportunity to do some shooting. Had the good fortune to secure 5 fine specimens of Sabine's Gulls. They were feeding about the numerous small pools on the tundra although it was only 1.30 am. Their movements are much like those of Bonaparte's Gull except that they rarely plunge into the water but pick their food from the surface often alighting for an instant. A number of Grusfratercula were seen but not obtained although not very shy. They walk about feeding and when alarmed start to walk away from the object of their suspicion uttering a note like ki-kerrrroo made by rolling the tongue. A Pacific diver (Loon) was driven from a small pool and not getting under sufficient headway

Transcription Notes:
Some of the scientific names of different bird species at the beginning have been double-checked.