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fell [[strikethrough]] into [[strikethrough]] on the ground some 25 yards from a large pond. It at once commenced jumping along by raising itself by its wings and springing forward with its feet and made very quick time.

June 27 and 28 remained about the Redoubt attending to my specimens.

June 29 1877
Went to the Island at the mouth of the Canal after sterna aleutica. Managed to get to the place and found but few terns about the place, most of which were S. arctica. I found that S. aleutica was much more shy than the former and that it had no harsh cry like its companion. S. aleutica could be distinguished at quite a height by its darker color & short tail. Four specimens were obtained. A large flock of male Larus S. Nigra were seen on a point of rocks but none secured. 

June 30 [[strikethrough]] to July 3 [[/strikethrough]]
Went in the evening, with the whale boat to Whale Is. Off St. Michales after Mormons. Although quite common, yet I only secured 1 cirrhata and 3 corniculata owing to poor shooting mainly. Saw a pair of Mirgus (serrator?) and several cormorants. 

July 1 to 3 - 1877
Attended to the specimens on hand.

July 3-4
Started in the Whale Boat with Mr. Lumer for a trip up the canal after Xemas. Mr Peterson one of the A.C. Co's traders started at the same time we outstripped him and