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And killed 13 natives in retaliation. A wreck is also reported along the north coast and fears are entertained that it may be the vessel belonging to the company as she is long overdue from a trip to that position of the coast.

Aug. 27 - Monday -
Nothing of interest occurred - Remained at the Redoubt all day.

Aug. 28
Some natives came from up the coast one of them bringing me a Kingfisher obtained at Kegiktowruk

Aug. 29. 
A hard wind from the N. brought the other company's vessel back much to our relief. The wind blew 60 mi per hour at 11 a.m. which was its maximum.
The note of the 26th regarding the killing of the natives at Cape Pr. of W. is confirmed. This vessel has been up to Point Barrow where only two of the 16 whalers wrecked last year are to be heard of and out of 69 men left there only 2 were saved. 
A successful season is reported for the Trader there. Large quantitites of Henry Rifles , Cartridges and Whiskey and such contraband articles are being traded to the Chukchies and by them are brought across the strait and sold to the natives on this side.