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Oct 16
At 8 a.m. a bright halo was observed encircling the sun, the sun was afterwards obscured but upon appearing again about 11 a.m. a second halo was seen but only about two thirds the size of the first, which was about 45° in diameter.  The peculiar linear formation of haze mention before, was again observed having its nucleii in the E. + N. horizons but the appearance was far less distinct than when observed before.

Oct 17-
Light snow in the A.M.  At 6a.m. my collector Alexis returned from Kegikhtownik came and aroused me and on being admitted brought in a perfect museum of various ethnological specimens
Snow-shoes, spears, bows, arrows, drills, fish skin bags, Kautage, and various other things of interest.  He states that he went as far as the mouth of the Golsova Riv. [[River]] returning to Kegiklatownik on snow shoes the snow being knee deep along the coast there, while here it is but an inch or two.

Oct 18-
Alexis came in the a.m. and remained nearly all day preparing bird-skins