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Nov. 6-
Wind a gale from the north. Remained about the Redoubt.

Nov. 7-
Took my first ride after a dog team going from the Redoubt to the other shore where we stopped for coffee and then returned.
Very good time was made and the day bring fine the trip was enjoyable.
On our return a dead beluga was seen under the ice by our native.

Nov. 8-
Wind very light and the weather very fine in the morning. We skated an hour or so on the pond back of the Redoubt.
On our return quite a large flock of aegiothus fuscescens was observed feeding on the weeds above the beach.
We made a sundial and placed it by one of the dining room windows for easy reference.
Tried to make a camera obscura from the lens of an opera glass but failed to get a good [[strikethrough]]image[[/strikethrough]] outline.

Nov. 9-
A high gale from the south all day with a slight fall of snow in the A.M.

Nov. 10th and 11th nothing of interest

Nov. 12th blank-

Nov. 13-
Went to the village (native) in the evening to witness an ung-i-yah but only a few natives being present it was not much of a