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Nov. 19th and 20th Nothing of interest except that for the first time this winter the thermometer stands at -1
Nov. 21 Therm. -3 last night Reached +7° during the day but a strong wind made the weather very chilly. 
Nov. 22- Therm. -14° last night and remained below zero all day. 
We have been amusing ourselves lately by solving chess problems and in looking for the first sleds which are expected from the lower Yukon about this time.
Nov. 23- Nothing of note. Therm. below zero all day and down to -18° last night.
Nov. 24- One of the natives caught a Cross fox on the island a few days since and several Red foxes have been taken. A number of Wolf Tracks have been seen in the vicinity.
Nov. 25- Prepared some poison for foxes and started to put it out in the morning. Mr. Neumann  started for a visit to the other side at the same time and was taken over in a very short time as I could see while going across the ice on my