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to fly away in any direction if alarmed although dense brush patches were plentiful they were always avoided evidently to give the grouse an opportunity to escape from a fox or wolf should they be attacked.
No tracks of hare were seen until the foot of the mountain was reached when they became numerous but no hare was seen.  The day being well advanced I ascended the nearest mountain and was well repaid by the view which was very fine.
Off to the South west an arctic sun was slowly passing along the horizon before it went to rest and tinting the sky with a dusky red reflecting back across numerous low, snow-covered peaks to the South and south-west, stretching far to the east arose still larger hills partly obscured by a bluish haze,  to the right lay a long expanse of tundra dotted here and there with black when the ice of numerous lakelets showed in sharp contrast with the snow.  Meandering through the tundra could be traced a line of white which marked the "Canal" a tortuous channel, separating St. Michael's island from the mainland about 20 miles in length beyond this came the sea and a dim expanse