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of tundra until stopped by the range of mountains forming cape Romanz off 40 miles distant. 
Back of are [[?]] lay all of the island of St. Michael's in bierd [[?]] and beyond Stewart Is whose rocky shores stood out black and forbidding. On either side of these islands [[strikethrough]]of[[/strikethrough]] as far as the eye could reach an unvarying expanse of ice stretched out toward the sea. To the north to my surprise the black and rocky shores of Capes Darby and Denbeigh [[?]] were distinctly visible though at least 75 miles away.
While on the mountain a strong N.E. wind was blowing at least 20 miles an hour yet down 100 feet from the top the wind from the same direction was not over 2 miles per hour and was blowing at this rate all day. The peak I ascended was only about seven or eight hundred feet about the sea! It was a peculiar formation the subjoined sketch will give an idea of a birdseye view of it. The S.E. side is much more abrupt than the other sides.