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Dec. 28-
Mr. Gessner came over on a visit from the other side, Soon after he returned in the afternoon Mr. McInestion from the Lauana River arrived with a team of very large dogs such as are used in Hudson Bay Territory.  He was heartily welcomed and plied with questions on all sides until bed time.
Mr. McI. has been on a trip up the [[Janana?]] about 250 miles this winter, he tells me that the river is very shallow and can be waded at many places in the fall. It is about 400 yards wide at the highest point he reached. He says the country through which it flows is low, and marshy in many places with numerous ponds, lakes and sloughs, with scattered and small timber.
To the south about 60 miles rises a range of mountains one of which appear to be very high and stands out alone and appears to bear a table [[land?]] on one side.
Farther up than he went the river passes through a range of mountains.
He saw plenty of Moose track and food was plentiful among the natives.
He had no trouble with the Indians who have had but very little intercourse with the traders.
Dec. 30 & 31-
Nothing of interest occurred. The weather remains mild.