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Jan 5-
The temperature fell during the night and this morning the snow fog is being precipitated in fine feathery grains which come steadily down one by one and unite in covering everything with a downy layer. 

During the prevalence of these snow fogs every piece of metal and every rough board or other convenient place becomes covered often to the depth of an inch or more in a night. My thermometers which were so sheltered that the air had access from below and through inclined lattice work were covered so completely that in the morning nothing but a mass of fog filagree work was visable.

Egeeluk left for the north this morning. 

The weather has been remarkably calm for several days and has allowed the snow fog to encompass everything. 

Nothing of note except the continuance of the snow fog and calm weather 

The low temperature seems to prevent the fog from attaching itself so abundantly to exposed objects

Nothing of interest up to this date when Kojevnikoff's sled returned from Nulato bringing furs and also some birds and fishes from that vicinity. The birds were all common species including Pinicola canadensis, Perisoreus canadensis, AEgiothus linarius

Transcription Notes:
Pinicola canadensis - Pine Grosbeak Perisoreus canadensis - Canada Jay AEgiothus linarius - very old name for Common Redpoll