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thrown down, thus supplying plenty of game below. Charlie told of another belief held by some of the natives south of the Yukon mouth that Belugas [[strikethrough]] her [[\strikethrough]] changed to wolves. He also informed me that the natives along the entire sea coast make a practice of putting the bladders of the seal they kill into the water through the ice with great ceremony every winter.

Jan. 23rd
Charlie left early in the morning.
Talyahik arrived in the afternoon bringing me some interesting ethnological specimens and what was also very acceptable for us he brough a deer which his brother killed at Kegikhtowret [[??]]

Jan 27
A curious fog bow was observed today under the following circumstances. Owing to the intense cold the moisture in the air became visible as fog the therm. standing far below zero When I ascended the anemometer post in the morning on looking directly away from the sun a white fog bow was well defined was plainly visible apparantly forming just half a circle and touching the ground about 75 yards distant when standing on the ground no such appearance could be seen.

Jan 29th
The cold has crystallized the moisture in the air and today it comes glancing and flashing down to the ground in a shower of flashing laminae in a perfectly quiet atmosphere owing to the severe cold. the sun shines brightly but the cold is so intense that upon going from a warm room into the open air one feels suddenly grasped by an invisible force which causes him to gasp for breath for an instant as when breathing "laughing gas" The natives go about as usual and say