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April 15th
Nothing of interest Temp. -90
last night-

Temp-higher than for some time - Thawed in the sun during the middle of the day- Two inches of snow in the evening-

Fine warm day up to 39° in the afternoon-Cloudy all day

Still warm +40° at 11am-
The snow is melting rapidly-
Spots thaw upon the tundra and distant hill tops are changing from white to black-
An indian boy brought in a Ptarmigan today with a ruff of the brown spring plumage around the neck

19th to 23d [[23rd]] gloomy and chilly weather nothing of interest occurring-Became warm and thawing on the 24th and 25th.  With a gale from the S. + S.E.  On the 25th Saxe came from Makakleet [[?]] to trade obtained a pair of Lynx skulls from him
See Vol II for 26th
