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It is 11 pm Sept 25, 1963 and tonight I must acknowledge the fulfillment of my longest dream, dreamt when I was in my 20's in Hawaii. It was a time of yearning for the other side of the earth - the north country, the north wind, the cold place, the windy places. 
So here it is, and here I am. I see from the balcony of the house the long [[strikethrough]]grey[[/strikethrough]] dark mass of Manana, barren island with its long silvery channel. An orange moon, half of a full moon is setting into the sea. and the sea is all around, and its sound is everywhere. To the north is the glow in the sky, a faint shine of northern lights (which last night were a beautiful display arching + curving and flaring over the north sea + the tall spruce.) Jupiter shines sharply in the east sky, and I saw 2 of her moons. 
Today at Seal Ledges the world, it seemed was mine to enjoy and claim. Islands and skies and boulders on the shore were all around me and I felt very