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2 spreads of drying dulce - dark brown purple. I found some dried dulce near the water, & it was delicious to eat. Then back past the village [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] & up a road to buy dulce from the local dulce seller. (bought $1.00 worth at 75ยข lb) - then back to the lodge for supper (mackerel)- Then a drive to Seal Cove (village) to see the docks & a fish-freezing plant - haddock, cod, pollock - then to a store to have ice cream. Back at the Lodge - Tom just left after an hour of good talk about painting & art & art politics. 

And so to bed.

9:30 pm. Saturday Sept 18

What does one do with it all - with the places one sees : remember them? enjoy them for the moment? cherish them? [[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] record them? photograph them, paint them, talk about them? describe them later? boast of having seen them? store them in secret? Carry them as a personal possession?

A memorable series of places seen today: A.m. a walk to the bay here at North Head, & along the sandy beach - then back to the Lodge via [[?]] road. [[strikethrough]] Afternoon [[/strikethrough]] : a visit to The Marathon Hotel - huge old inn, unusually interesting, like something out of the past. Afternoon : A hike across the airport to the "other side" for a grand view of the