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beyond Seal Cove on the low side. From a low sandy bank there spread out before me not a view not a scene, but a memory of several beaches I have known over the long years. It was like Oregon, like Makapuu on Oahu, like Eureka, like Crescent City Bay, like Montauk. But more. It was the most wonderful experience of a northern beach. The fog blowing past, the sharp wind, the thin surf, the absent horizon line, the great stretch of low-tide sand, the great, strange, ghostly dark weir centered in my view. Then I walked down past the very dark rocks into the wide expanse of wet rippled sand to the smooth wet sand, then over to the north to another exposed layer of dark rock, found some dulse, then up the bank of sand & purple rocks, then to the [[strikethrough]] left [[/strikethrough]] south, where the boulders were round & on which grew dulse, then up to the dry strand of large rocks & up along a pond where grew a strange, blue wildflower, then back to the original vantage point where the whole sweep was becoming darker & greyer with fog.

A great day.