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evening - does it explain why my eyes itch today? Jean Andrews burst in at 2 pm from Boothbay to ask for something for the Boothbay Region exhibit. I rushed down at 2:30 to the Balmy Days to deliver a framed b+w ink-acrylic "From Burnt Head" priced at 250. Picked up the mail, the NY Times at the Sta, groceries at the store. made some decisions about what to send to Rockport. Then it started To RAIN! This after 9 days of drought. Good steady rain but not heavy enough. [[strikethrough]] until [[/strikethrough]] made a fire of NY Times logs as the evening got cold.

Sat. 27th It RAINED hard last night. The price for this good occurence is lupines bent to the ground, the end of snow-in-summer, and confinement indoors - a small price. The rain is steady and at times heavy. The 2 puddles in the road have appeared. Finally at noon the rain subsided and the sky showed through with a heavy greyness. It was cold and windy all afternoon. After supper we walked to the dock. The traps were all about, but we found no conches. A cold wind swept the island. To bed at 9:30. A deer in the swamp. Chased it away.

Sunday - a very bright day with a sharp horizon to the southwest. An eventful day - met Col Kerr, & Mrs. Kerr. Also Betsy Wyeth & Andrew & Jamie. They all came over at 2 - into the studio door & out the front. Saw my things on the walls. Kerrs liked the drawings - he asked for some for the CKG show this summer. Andrew liked one on the l.r. wall. Mrs. Kerr very nice. Then to Lobster Cove [[strikethrough]] wr [[/strikethrough]] but the seas were too rough for us to look for dulse in the low pools. Sketched - first drawings of the summer. The beautiful sweep of flags & buttercups & reeds still there. Back, to discover a great stand of wild daisies at Tarlow's. Helped Boehmers with veg. garden.