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Mon. July 13. Dug up a small patch for perennials and moved rocks. Hot sunny day, and the w.c. doesn't materialize - the imagery still unavailable under the layers of washes. Wrote to Billy, sent clippings about the draft. At 7:30 to Henry & Ann's for supper of mackerel & salad (ours) & ice cream. Our first evening with them. Back at 1130 to find an orange half moon setting over by the water. Great view of the nighttime. 

Tues July 14 - hot, sunny. Planted scabiosa in new patch with amsonia & feverfew. Measured porch & property lines, found that the pear trees are safely [[strikethrough]] within [[/strikethrough]] this side of 9' rt-of way, porch corner 5 1/2' into rt of way. Scrabble tonight. Dana & Terry, Loews, Anita Minewski, Ann Kallem. Good fun. Peach upside-down cake, tea. Rearranged furniture so table straddled both gas lamps. Over at 1130. Saw 2 deer in swamp, eyes blazing. Chased them away with pot-cover noise & rocks.

Wed 15th.  Fertilized herbs & mal. [[malabar]] spinach & beans. Cool overcast day with a good wind - but stayed in to see that wc thru. a pale blue sea over rocks emerged, at last. In evening thought of a large sk bk with drawings & poems. Typed out 2 poems & that was the end of the project. Poems could stand revision and more time - and thought - a whole lifetime really. Dana came to invite us to dinner Fri. Also Pam, for tea.

Thurs 16 - A foggy very grey day with drizzle & a whistling wind. Hunters came, separately- [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] exchanged dinner invitations. Garden full of color. Caught up with 8 days backlog of N.Y. Times. Wrote letters.

Friday 17th A good day. Spent 2 hrs on rocks below Jan's, basked in hot sun, sketched. Thought. Wrote poem. Must have the actuality of place before me before any drawing or poem can happen. To Dana & Terry Pratts for a good supper (roast lamb) & good talk & good guitar-folk music - (Muffy, Robt Hall). Gerard & Josephine Harris, Mason girls, Robt Rothstein, Harry T, Binx, children. Home after midnight by full moonlight.