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Wed July 22 '70 (cont'd) What a great relief - how silly the gas problem! Superb dinner of codfish in black bean sauce, (steamed), chicken in lemon sauce - (sautéed in dutch oven), shrimps with egg, salad, fruit mix, & before dinner, periwinkles in basil-parsley sauce, a halibut curry dip. [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] Glen liked my new drawings & wanted to buy one of the surf pictures - one of the ones Jeff earlier had liked. This was very inspiring to me. They all left at 1030 so we got the dishes done & had a small snack by midnight. And so to bed.

Thurs 23rd an excellent day - a picnic below Hekking's - took a dip in that fine tidepool. Found 3 or 4 pools of dulse! - that deep red color, usually [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] growing next to kelp, was unmistakable.  Showered to get salt off, & had a good afternoon with visitors to studio. The porch was a drying shed for all the seaweed! Played the recorder after 5 & again in the evening. Did 5 or 6 surf ink-acrylic-crayon pictures - which shows how inspiring it can be for [[strikethrough]] another [[/strikethrough]] me when another artist responds to my work.

Fri 24th Spent a good afternoon on rocks below Jan's, again made more drawings of surf & rocks. A series is taking form. Made a punch for party tonight for 15 a guitar party. Paul Harris & I played a flute - recorder piece between guitar numbers. Good fun. 

Sat 25th a very very warm day - 85° in shade