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Thurs. August 6, 1970 - Claire Nichtern came in the am + bought 2 things. In the afternoon nine people came. Gave Joan B some lettuce. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] The corn showed silk. In the evening to McCartins for dinner (Werbes, Martins, Hyde, Joedi) Talk of weathermen, bombs, violence, protest, "the young." I protested all violence. Right after dinner, from the south end of the porch, we saw a sickleman in a clear glassy sky with 2 stars + 2 coast lights in an exquisite composition. Earlier, saw 3 or 4 schools of mackerel or herring in the channel.
Fri. 7th With Obermans + Zalens to Seal Ledges. The tide was very high + the crosscurrent rough. Sketched the Ledges. Then the woods, to + from. Then to Obermans for supper. Today being Mary Zalen's birthday. a bouquet for her. 
Sat 8th. A lousy day for me - stuffy nose, a tired feeling. But did some work on 2nd large ptg, weeded + trimmed garden. Saw Don + Betty Gussow, who arrived yesterday. A haze entered the day in the afternoon. 
Sun 9th The yacht race. but no sign of any sails, - a hazy day over the sea. A terribly muggy warm day. The worst yet. Tamara + parens came for her shipment of plants - + I gave them some veg. Cooked dinner for Betty + Don + Paul Gussow. Sunset in the Notch today!
So warm + tropical a night, so uncomfortable. 
Mon 10th Started a large acrylic wc on paper. It developed into a red sunset. worked into the night
Tues - a cool day; it rained lightly all afternoon + early eve. Supper at Gussows (Don + Betty, Paul, Rothsteins, Frances K.)
Wed - 12th - Still feeling tired (a cold?). Saw Zalens sail - way off. Zucchinis a-plenty. Painted. Napped. Weeded.