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Thurs. Aug 13 1970 - The beginning of an active + hectic + enjoyable weekend. Etta + Walt arrived with 4 kids. Put them up at the Gussows. (Visitors to studio: Palmers, Eleanor (asked me to send poems), + Bob Bender (?) she, editor of Open Places (?) Libby + dr. couple, many others.) To store at 5 30 to pick up 8 lobsters + fr. fr. potatoes. "Shore" dinner with [[strikethrough]]all[[/strikethrough]] gusto - wonderful kids - hot humid day - another! Walk to Lobster Cove in the dark. Waves crashing in faint moonlight.
Friday 14th. Hot humid day. Walk to [[strikethrough]]Pef[[/strikethrough]] Seal Ledges. waded + swam, picked Irish moss + periwinkles + mussels. Played game with pebbles. Big lunch on hot rocks. Cucumbers zucchini. Home via Ice Pond. Hot, humid. Rushed to attend Leo + Bunny Miesners cocktail party (Mollers, Courts, etc.) Back to cook spaghetti - shrimp - green sauce dinner. Exhausted, to bed at 11. Hot humid!
Sat 15th Hot humid! terrible weather. Nevertheless, to little White Head via Cathedral Wood. To White Hd, in search of shade. Found small patch of shade under a spruce. Lunch. Drinks. Saw amazing fog formation over Squeaker Cove. Back via Lighthouse + museum. Hot humid, impossible. Cooked paella (mussels from Kathy (Krause) greens to her for Pam's birthday dinner. Also to Frances K.) after dinner, a guitar - etc evening with Lois Raebeck + Jay Frank, Muffy, Arline + Emily, Sandy (+ friend), + the Wongs - All played + sang in the hot humid night. Moon round + bright. 
Sun 16th. A nice picnic at Hekking's Pool. Lunch. Kevin + Robin + Becky + Curtis [[strikethrough]]enjoyed[[/strikethrough]] Etta Walt all enjoyed it. Hot humid. Gave each kid a starfish in beach glass. wrapped