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Woods, lunch on tip of head., then down & up to White Hd, then down to Gull Cove Trail. Home to gather bags & off to dock (with 10 or more dug-up plants) & bags & dog. Then at 4 to [[strikethrough]] see [[strikethrough]] Island Inn to see C. Goldsmith's work. Then home in a rush (flowers for church) & veg for Mollers) & off to Mollers for supper - McC & (Twinings later). Strong talk on Associates, etc etc. Home at 11 in cold north wind, exhausted. : Logigians renewed the island for me. On L. White Hd I saw thru their eyes how dramatic & awesome are the cliffs of the island, & how rare its grandeur. A very important renewal for me

Sun.  Beginning of cold windy spell & continued bad hay fever! To Bill McC. to see his ptgs. (& Jan's) (with Martins & Krauses)

Mon  Riva Novey & Dr. Tower came over today. NW wind. To Jim Weber's for drinks at 5.

Tues. A great day, with a cold N.W. wind, a very wonderful day. To Lobster Cove & Xmas Cove looked for rugosa bush but it wasn't there. Made 3 drawings. Then back, to Arlines for supper with Gordon family.

Wed.  Wind died down, but it was cold in the morning. Libby & Peter Hopper (Gene's nephew of York Pa) came to choose 8 wc & drwgs for consignment.

Thurs 9/3/70 -  Thea & Ann Edison dropped in today to discuss deer & wild flowers - & perspective re optical illusion. Liz Helfman, for plants. At 7 to Semple's for huge (60) supper party. Felt at ease only because there were Hans & Mike & Herb to talk with.  

Fri 9/4 - Last night a strong downpour of rain, perhaps the heaviest of the summer.  Today, all is wet & grey & cold, & Monhegan at last is itself. Edison came by to leave his booklet on perspective. Painted all day.