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Things are never simple. Raquel came to ask for Jan Geo's address & for herbs & to ask me for supper some day. The salted mackerel fish drying in the oven (from Herb) stinks. Today was a dull drizzly day. Read "Driftwood Valley" by T. Stanwell Fletcher. I find it exciting & absorbing. Makes Monhegan seem utterly civilized & urban (which it really is!) watch birds all day from l.r. - warblers, flycatchers, hummingbirds.

Started sorting out & packing tonight. New tank of gas delivered yesterday after 1/2 day of no gas at all.

9/11/70 Fri - [[strikethrough]] 9/10/70 [[/strikethrough]] A great day, spoiled only by my anger [[strikethrough]] of the [[/strikethrough]] at the BM letter. Thoughts of Can. Rockies fill my days & nights as I read "Driftwood Valley." Late June next year? (But mosquitoes!) Spent early part of day at Lobster Cove, by the wreck- & came into a new theme: Breakline Incidents- So many fine, swift, sudden & small actions happen where the seawater touches the rock line. Felt elated, & did some drawings of subject. After lunch, to below Burnt Head for more sketching. A bright cool perfect day. Read after supper; & sorted papers, etc.

9/12/70 Sat  [[strikethrough]] 9/11 [[/strikethrough]] Another very good day. After breakfast, started for White Head but went to dock instead to look for ride to Portland next Sat. Home, packed a lunch, then did get to White - (where there's no comfortable place to sit & sketch!) but did some good drawings. Took Red Ribbon trail back, looking for coral mushrooms. Found a few - just emerging. Took a deer trail for a little way, then backtracked & got on real trail. At 5, to rocks below for a rest & more drawings, [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] clear sunny sky.