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Sun Sept. 13 '70 Clouds, very high, formed in sky but it was still sunny. Spent 3 hrs mounding roses (the upper ones-(4) with compost under the [[strikethrough]] soil [[/strikethrough]] earth) Put compost in veg garden in corn section; & wire remnents in per. beds. Also: phoned G. (she'd called last night at 5), re BMAS. Made 2 trips to rocks below [[strikethrough]] J [[/strikethrough]] Cabots', - first it was too windy, & on the 2nd trip did 2 drawings of the dark rich, dramatic zigzag of rocks ending in the sea. The sea was rough & dark all day. At 5 took the bag of 13 geodes (which arrived yesterday) and cracked them open, to find 12 were duds.
Fish again for lunch & supper (3rd day). Also various vegetables in different combinations. Last night at 3:30 am I saw the moonset from the South bedroom windows. A strange moving sight; a deep orange moon in a black sky over a black sea.

How I hate to go back, to be away from this.

Mon. 9/14 - a cold overcast day. Packed lg. [[large]] carton last night, making small decisions about everything one has in this house. John & Jean Andrews came by at 11 am today. Then a hasty trip to P.O. to attend to pkg. [[package]] and then to dock. Packed WC'S [[watercolors]] and sk bks [[sketch books]], wondering about what being an artist was all about, with these material entities as the only physical proof of one's vision & quest, & being sad over the thot [[thought]] that all the skies, seas, days trees, rocks, nights, weathers [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] remain outside, & in me, while I pack these paltry pictures to convince others (& myself?) that I have seen & I have felt & I have searched & discovered. At 4:30 Hans & Helen dropped by to say farewell. At 6 I went to Bergs for supper (John H., Mike,) & later Cass dropped in, provoking us all into a good serious firm discussion on self & world. Afterwards, at 12:30! Cass & Mike & I walked to Herb's front yard by the sea. The moon was in & out of a sky total with uniform rounds of clouds. It was cold. (54°) 

Tues. Spent all day cleaning house. It was so cold I had to wear 2 sweatshirts & a heavy jacket, even indoors. This is 

Transcription Notes:
"WCS and SK bks" is watercolors and sketch books