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in Grand Manan . A very dark and precipitous setting. (Picked watercress at Purdy's by James Creek for supper) after supper-(8:30) went to look for rocks again at south end wet beach, A low tide, when pebbles are wet.

Mon July 25- These entries shouldn't be written at day's end, when I am tired and can hardly think of all the day's happenings clearly. At 9:30 am we were on Purdy's beach again looking for apples and jaspers - the last one I picked up seemed to be perfect- red and green, rounded. Sketched. Left motel at 12 noon. Left a beautiful dark, richly bordered beach. To Seal Rock Beach - surprisingly beautiful & more picturesque than I had that at first visit. Crabs, stacks, cones of lava, green-bordered pools & reefs. Lunched on beach, to 3 rock shops. Then on to the northern section of the coast - all the way to Cape Foultweather for one last look. Inspiring, dark, but not as dramatic as Heceta or other headlands. To Newport for crab, (5x5) razor clams & butter clams to take home. A long drive over the coast range. To Philomash to buy a book on antique bottles. Home at 6:45. And so: I've seen the Oregon Coast, at last, after 26 years of a persistent wish to see it.

Tues July 26 - hectic: after class, packing (we leave Thurs pm.) Packed 60 lbs of rocks! Evening to Bob & Amanda Hayes to show slides & see theirs. Munro there too. 

Wed July 27. busy day - mailed pkgs at OSU