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new road (to Waimea vs Kekaha)- great new vistas- grey purple ridges- Olokele? Newness of place, at last to Waimea to Ako store for a strange review of 1930 mdse.

In eve. a party here- Jean Holmes, Fay & Bill Sollner(?), Mike Miyaken, Sunnie, Marg & Doug, good talk. a flat tire for Jean, fixed by all & with assorted tools. Sushi from Fay after midnite, in kitchen. 

Sat July 31- Stayed in all day- except for papaia [[papaya]] picking - 10 from 2 trees - & loonggnan [[longan]]. Napped - helped prepare for tonite's leg of lamb dinner. Robert arrived - Marg left. 

Sun Aug 1. Planted the (groff) lichee tree midway between the sweet-sop & the loonggnan[[longan]]. Dug a hole with the 0-0 2 1/2 ft wide & 2 ft deep. There an 8 in. crust of red dirt and 4 in of blackish former topsoil, and then a sandy portion. Filled it with good compost from the place between the 2 banana stands, and with a pail of cow manure almost dry- and some 10-10-10 fertilizer then a sudden heavy shower fell- refreshing & enjoyable to me (in shorts only) and a propitious sign it was. (First acceptance of the tropics?) In the evening we (Pris) went over to Bob & Hazel Gabraris in Lihue for supper. (Gary Feifield, Peter & Mary Kim, & Juliet Rice Wickman with Whan I was engaged in conversation throughout drinks & supper. Talk of Kauai, history. 

Transcription Notes:
"longan" is a type of fruit