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[[4 Columned Table]]

| 1867 | Name | Age | Remarks |

| May 28 | Mary Ann Diggs | 60 | Name was omitted when taking the sensus |

| June 1st | Richard T. Griffin | 25 |Lieut Wm W. Rogers |

| June 1st | George Minor | 13 | omitted when Census was taken (Guide for 1h blind man Ward |

| June 4th | Washington Banks | [[strikethrough]] 70 [[/strikethrough]] 56 | J. L. Roberts. Supt. |

| June 5th | Cassey Wood | 70| Capt. E. B. Gates Supt. |

| June 6th | Louisa Toliver | 50 | Capt. Wm H. Beebe |

| June 6th | Cornelies Toliver | 12 | Capt. Wm H. Beebe |

| June 6th | Eliza Toliver | 5 | Capt. Wm H. Beebe |

| June 10 |Frances Steward | 25 | Admitted by order Dr. Mack |

| June 10 | John Henry Moore | 2 | Admitted by order Dr. Mack |

| June 10 | Mason Walker | 7 | Admitted by order Dr. Mack |

| [[strikethrough]] June 12 | Daniel Washington | 25 | Insane — Capt. S. P. Lee USA [[/strikethrough]] |

| June 12 | Rosa Lee | 100 | Capt. S. P. Lee USA |

| June 12 | Paton Ransom | 31 Paralysis Capt. S. P. Lee USA |

| June 12 | Milly Grey | 60 | Capt. S. P. Lee USA |

| June 12 | [[strikethrough]] Eliza Madelea [[/strikethrough]] |   | Capt. S. P. Lee USA |

| June 12 | [[strikethrough]] Madelea [[/strikethrough]] |   | Capt. S. P. Lee USA |

| June 12 | [[strikethrough]] Eliza Farrigan [[/strikethrough]] |   | Capt. S. P. Lee USA |

| June 12 | Oliver Gardiner | 60 | Name omitted when census was taken |

| June 12 | Patrey [[strikethrough]] Patsey [[/strikethrough]] Gardiner | 57 | Name omitted when census was taken |

| June 12 |[[strikethrough]] David Gardiner [[/strikethrough]] | 1 | Name omitted when census was taken |

| June 12 | Ottowa Gardiner | 13 | Name omitted when census was taken |

| June 13 | Mary Bruce | 14 | Came back after being out to service |

| June 13 | Jane Gibson | 30 | omitted when census taken - works in Soup H |

| June 13 | Edward Lewis | 12 | omitted when census taken |

| June 14 | Matilda Hill } 12 | omitted when census taken |

| June 14 | Ephaun Towns | 17 | omitted when census taken |

| June 14 | Arthur Washington | 9 | omitted when census taken |

| June 14 | Willie Wiggins | 8 | omitted when census taken |

| June 14 | Amanda Noyes | 30 | Lieut Col.  Beebe |

| June 14 | Ella Noyes |3 mo | Lieut Col. Beebe |

| June 15 | James Skinner | 75 | Capt. Lee |

| June 15 | Elizabeth Taylor | 90 | omitted when census was taken |

June 1867

[[5 Columned Table]]

| Date 1867 | Name | Age | Disease | On Whose Application Admitted |

| June 13 | Levilia Blackburn | 4 mo |  born after admission of mother |   |

| June 13 | Jane Johnson | 12| Mother Dependent |   |

| June 26 | Clelia Boyd | 23 | Pregnant | Dr. Howard |

| June 27 | Benjamin Burse | 14| Mother Dependent | Dr. Howard |

July 1867

| July 1 | William Frisbee | 10 | Orphan | Asst Commr |

| July 1 | Charles Frisbee | 8 | Orphan | Asst Commr |

| July 2 | Charles Crampton | 60 | Old age | J. W. Vandenbugh [[Vandenburgh]] S. S. |

| July 5 | James Henry | 21 | Partial Paralysis | Asst Commr |

| July 5 | Georgia Smith | 10 |    |   |

| July 5 | Beverly Young | 13 |   |   |

| July 9 | Henry Copeland | 25 | Imbecile | G. A. Wheeler A. A. Surg |

| July 15 | William Galleway | 45 | Partially Blind & Deaf | Mrs J. S. Griffing |

| July 17 | Mary Ann Buckley | 40 | General Debility | S. S. Chamberlin |

| July 17 | Lizzy Berkley | '6 | General Debility | S. S. Chamberlin |

| July 17 | Nelson Berkley | 2 | General Debility | S. S. Chamberlin |

| July 17 | Antonio Vaughn | 66 | Old age | Dr Howard |

| July 25 | Amelia Stewart | 40 | Disease of hip | Asst. Commr |

| July 25 | Lloyd Stewart | 50 | General Infirmity | Asst. Commr |

| July 26 | Mary Smith | 19 | Consumption | J. L. Roberts |

| July 29 | David Sailes | 16 mo | Born Dependent |   |

| July 29 | Abram Wilson | 2 | Born Dependent |   |

| July 31 | Nancy Bird | 60 | Old age | J. R. Roberts |

| July 31 | Margaret Broyden | 63 | Old age | Col S. P. Lee |

| July 31 | Mary Dyson | 60 | Old age | J. L. Roberts |

| July 31 | Richard Dyson  | 9 | Orphan | J. L. Roberts |

|   |   |   | August 1867 |   |

| Aug 1 | Eugine Bayley | 25 | Wounded Soldier | Maj S. N. Clark |

| Aug 12 | Saunders Poppen | 60 | Old age | Maj. J. W. Vanderbugh [[Vandenburgh]] S.S. |

| Aug 13 | Elizabeth Brown | 25 | Imbecile | Dr. C. B. Pervis |

| Aug 21 | Harriet Griffing | 50 | Aged & Infirm | Col. W. M. Beebe |

| Aug 21 | Lizzie Mitchell | 7 | Orphan |   |

Transcription Notes:
Edited: nicely done, just removed [[/end table]] this is not required