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a market where the demand was constant and the supply variable-- could not but fail. Twenty years ago it was considered that a deficiency of one-tenth in the harvest would raise the price of wheat three-tenths, and a deficiency of one-third would treble the price.  This thermometrical sensitiveness of the market increases, as the increase of population overpasses the increase of production.  The yearly consumption of all kinds of grain in Great Britain is estimated at 52 million quarters, equal to 416 millions of bushels, or 15 bushels of each inhabitant; of which 13 millions of quarters, or 104 million bushels, being 3(3/4) bushels to each inhabitant, is wheat. The only country to which she can look, with advantage, for supplies, is the free North West. Here is at once an immense market for manufactures, and an unlimited capacity for the production of wheat in return. 

The grain crop of the North West, in 1839, showing the whole product of wheat, of Indian corn, and of all other kinds of grain, in the six North Western States, with the proportion to each inhabitant, with quantity in the whole United States. 

[[8 columned table]]
|States.|Wheat.|To each inhabitant.|Indian corn.|To each inhabitant.|Other grain.|To each inhabitant.|Total to each inhabitant.|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| --- |Bushels.|Bushels |Bushels.|Bushels | Bushels.| Bushels |Bushels.|
|Ohio-|16,292,951 | 10.7 | 33,954,162 | 22.4 | 15,684,492 | 10.3 | 43.4 |
|Indiana-|4,154,256 | 6 | 28,008,051 | 40.9 | 6,078,229 | 8.8 | 55.7 |
|Illinois-|2,740,380 | 5.6 | 22,116,627 | 45.4 | 4,806,877 | 9.8 | 60.8 |
|Michigan|1,899,289| 9 | 2,215,787 | 10.5 | 3,938,486 | 18.6 | 38.5 |
|Wiskonsan| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|Iowa-|154,737| 3.6 | 1,326,241 | 30.9 | 227,118 | 5.2 | 39.8 |
|Total,|25,241,607| 8.6 | 97,620,868 | 29.8 | 29,735,202 | 10 | 48 |
|U.States*| 75,99,787| 5 | 301,947,658 | 20 | 139,273,993 | 9 | 34.4 |

There is a great increase since, in the North West. The Hon.Henry W. Taylor, of Michigan, estimates the disposable surplus of wheat in that state alone, for the year 1841, at from two to two and a half million bushels, and he says the present population would easily raise five million bushels for sale if there was a steady market.

Growth of the North West. 
Population of the six new States of the North West in the years 1810, 1820, 1830, and 1840, with the increase per cent. in each period of ten years.

[[8 column table]]
| States. | 1810. | 1820. | Increase per cent. | 1830. | Increase per cent. | 1840. | Increase per cent. |
| Ohio, | 230,760 | 581,434 | 152 | 937,675 | 61 | 1,515,695 | 61.5 |
| Indiana, | 24,520 | 147,178 | 500| 341,582 | 132 | 683,314 | 100 |
| Illinois, | 12,282 | 55,211 | 349 | 157,575 | 185 | 486,173 | 208 |
| Michigan, | 4,762 | 8,896 | 87 | 28,600 | 222 | 211,705 | 640 |
| Wiskonsan* | - | - | - | 2,660 | - | 30,692 | 1,054 |
| Iowa* | - | - | - | - | - | 43,117 | - |
| Total, | 262,324 | 792,719 | 202 | 1,468,092 | 85 | 2,970,696 | 102 |

*In 1838 Wiskonsan had 18,149 inhabitants; and Iowa had 22,859. Consequently, Wiskonsan gained, in two years, 12,430, or 69 per cent.; and Iowa gained, in two years, 20,358, or 90 per cent.  

American Anti-Slavery Almanac. 

Suppose England would agree to receive our wheat free of duty. Orders would be sent from this country for manufactures, that would set every wheel, and spindle, and hammer in motion. Immediately, the north-west states would be willing to tax themselves for the interest of the state debt, because they would see how taxes could be paid. Immediately the state stocks would rise, because the interest would be secured, with a certainty that the public works would be completed and rendered productive. The free manufacturing industry of England, and the free agricultural industry of the north-west, would be stimulated to the highest productiveness,by the best of all encouragements-the hope of a fair reward. 
The demand for the public lands would be pour a steady stream into the national treasury on the one hand; to be met by a deeper current from the imports on the other, furnishing an adequate revenue for the completion of our harbor works and national defenses. Our exports, no longer confined to a single staple raised by slaves, but drawn from the most productive of all branches of labor-the cultivation, by free hands, of a rich soil that costs next to nothing-would keep foreign exchanges in a healthy state; new ties of mutual advantage, and new inducements to mutual justice, forbearance, and peace, would arise between two nations of common origin,  from whose influence the world has so much to hope for; our own manufac-tnres would be left, under their present protection, to a healthy and natural growth with the growth of the country' and our nation would be saved from another tariff controversy, to occupy and embitter the debates of another political generation. 

A Terrible Deed. 

In illustrating the desperate condition to which the lower classes in England are reduced through grinding poverty and scarcity of food, the London correspondent of the Boston Post relates the following occurrence, the bare perusal of which makes the blood run cold; he says, however, that it is too well authenticated to be doubted. 
"One of the rules of the 'Stockport Burial Society' is, that if a member loses a child by death, the parents receive [[symbol]]3 8s. 6d. for funeral expenses. At the late Chester Assizes, two married couples, whose average ages were only twenty-six, were indicted. Their names were Sandys-and one couple were charged with having administered arsenic to their child, by which they murdered it, and the others were charged with being accessories to the crime before and after the fact. The decease, with whose murder they were accuses, was thus awfully killed for the diabolical purpose of obtaining the sum of three pounds eight-and-sixpence from the Stockport Burial Society!"
THE DIFFERENCE.- It is estimated that the English Corn Laws cause 20,000 deaths annually, and the American Slave Laws 25,000. Which is worse?

The Spirit of Liberty. 

Soon after the close of the long French war in Europe, a boy was standing on one of the bridges that cross the Thames at London, with a number of small birds in a cage for sale. A sailor who was passing, observed the little prisoners fluttering about the cage, peeping through the wires, and manifesting their eager desire to obtain their liberty. He stood for some time looking at the birds, apparently lost in thought. At length, addressing the boy, he said,-
"How much do you ask for your birds?" "Sixpence a piece, sir," was the reply.
"I don't ask how much a piece," said the sailor; "how much for the lot? I want all hands."
The boy began his calculations, and found they came to six shillings and sixpence. "There is your money," said the sailor, handing out the cash, which the boy received with evident satisfaction at his morning's trade. No sooner was the bargain settled, than the sailor opened the cage door, and let the birds fly away. 
The boy, looking quite astonished, exclaimed, "What did you do that for, sir? See, you have lost all your birds now."
"I'll tell you why I did it," said the sailor. 'I was shut up three years in a French prison, as a prisoner of war, and I am resolved never to see anything in a prison that I can make free."