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November 21, 1923.

Mrs. Collingwood, 
860 W 183 Street, 
New York City N.Y.

Dear Madame:-

Yesterday I was sick in bed all day and therefore could not attend to the pipe matter. This morning I saw the Director and showed him the pipe and he feels that it should be here in the Museum where it can be studied by future investigators and where it will be possible to compare it with others of similar make. He was sorry to find that you are not in a position to present this specimen to our institution as it is through gifts that the fruition of our extended plans will be made possible. Funds for the purchase of specimens come to us in such small amounts that it is never possible to acquire the individual specimens to say nothing of the great collections that we so greatly need to fill to the gaps in our study series. It is therefore impossible to offer any large amount for any specimen but we are always willing to do what we can and to this end the Director is willing to give you ten dollars for the pipe and I hope you will feel that you can accept it, as it will mean that the specimen will be kept for all time in a fireproof building where you or members of your family can see it at any time and I am sure it would be gratifying to you to have it preserved where it will be of service to those who are interested in the early productions of our native peoples.

Awaiting your pleasure and thanking you for your goodness in bringing the pipe to the museum I am,

Sincerely yours,