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October 27, 1923.

Mr. Henry D. Paxson, 
2036 Locust Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.

My dear Mr. Paxson:-

I was sorry that I could not be with you on the afternoon of December fourth as it would have been a pleasure to talk over collecting activities and to have heard of what you have been doing in the collecting line since my last visit to your most hospitable home in the country.

Last spring I was laid up for two months with blood pressure and then went to Maine to recuperate and was there taken down with pneumonia which kept me in bed for another seven weeks; since then I have been very weak. Have managed to keep at my scientific work but it is a long pull back to anything like my former condition. Have only been out one evening since my return to the city the first of September so you can readily see that it was impossible for me to make the trip to your good city.

I wonder what you have done with that polished stone tube from New Jersey! I have not given up the hope that this day may came when you will be willing to make an exchange with us so that we may have that specimen for our series of tubes from the eastern states.

The next time you are in New York I hope you will plan to drop in so that I may show you the new things in our collections.

Thanking you for your kind invitation and with most sincere regards to Mrs. Paxson I am,

Sincerely yours,