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Legend of the Creation and the mythology of the Katcins.

Masaöh the creator is a wonderfully tall being as high as a mountain. His first act of creation was the earth. Then the sun was made to give light and heat to the Hopitu. The moon was then made to give light by night and also the stars. The sun was made from [[blank]] The moon was made from the skins of animals but what does not appear plain. The stars were made from the skins of foxes. Masaöh has red hair and after he had made the earth, sun moon and stars he thought he needed help in the running of the same. He there fore made Sotukwanangön to assist the Hopitu in growing crops from the upper regions and he made Möingwa (the force of nature acting from beneath the ground) to assist from below. He also made the Katcinas to help the Hopitu in the sape of intercessors. Each separate katcina seems to have an office all his own. One intercedes for sweet corn, another for cedar bark to light the fires etc. The katcina Anusontaka is the mother of all the katcinas and Ahöla is the father. But it seems that there are some of the Katcinas which are illegitimate, or more properly speaking it seems that Anusontaka is the mother of some illegitimate children. This is probably the secret of a great deal of the immorality among the Hopitu.

The Hopitu came from a place under groun dot eh sW of their present location. When they die it seems that all go to a sort purgatory. There they are tried in the fire. All that came out or perhaps better all who repent of the wrongs done are then passed on to a heaven Töfkai. The purgatory or hell is divided into two parts one containing the fire and the other is a very dark place where all who enter eventually perish. Those who go to Töfkai live forever after that. Bothe [[Both]] the heaven and hell above are underground and somewhere to the S.W. of the present location of the Hopi country. When the Hopitu first came from their underground abode there were only a few of them. 

Prof. Putnam,

This subject is entitled to a further and fuller investigation than I have found time to give it and I would suggest that no steps be taken to print this until I cann [[can]] get at it more fully. I will be pleased to fully revise and bring it down further when I return.

Sincerely yours,
Frank D. Voorhies [[?]]

P.S. I have received something which makes me doubt all the above, although there is a legend something on this order.