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Thursday Wallace and Mildred with the two youngest children swooped down on Kanute and Elsie came two days before to Beebeies, to clean them up, and pack up their goods, and then they are going up to Vermont with her to live, Those I think are their arrangements now. I dont believe they are going to live together long, before rucktions will be to pay. they are all hard get along with. My little quince bush has been badly used it never was so full of bloom as it was this year, and every youngster that passed by took a bunch of it, till now there is nothing left, but stubs, Pa says he will move it nearer the house now, they make large and beautiful shrubs. Pa has trimmed up the foreythia bush till there is nothing left of it, you know he has just such a craze on him every year to cut things to pieces. isnt that one sign of insanity? and now dont you have to indulge them in it, for fear of another more violent outburst. Lena is thinking of fixing some summer dresses during this week of her vacation, I tell her to get the goods and let Georgia Perkins make them up for her which she thinks she will do now I will say good day till I see you two home once more Ma