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Stoughton Feb 13th 1921

Dear Doris
I am to write now, Pa has told you all there is to tell of any account. I did not get up this morning till after he had got his breakfast and gone down town after the paper. I had lost some sleep and felt tired. I work pretty much all the time till bedtime, and for three night had not got my full allowance of sleep. Now today I am fixing up Pa's under flannels, against the time he wants them to put on, which is not today as he has got one of hes barking colds, and whos man will change his shirt when they have so good an excuse not to? I even take a bath at such times, and am still alive. Men are such babies. That Mrs Longyear has brought through most Lamb those two pictures in the safe of Mrs Patterson and her son which she gave me while living at the old place and has given me $1150. for them. then she wants mothers & fathers