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Stoughton Feb 6th 1921

Dear Doris

This morning is very pleasant after the storm, Lena came out Friday night after she was turned down by Mrs Hollis who told her, when she telephoned after reaching Boston, that she didnt want her, Bernice was out there visiting Mrs H and she asked Lena if she couldnt come in over Sunday, so there was nothing else for her to do but come out here, she bummed her way out without any ticket or money, but managed by giving the conductor her (canton junction Stoughton) tickets, she happened to have with her to get here all right. They had no business to treat Lena the way they do, in her condition, she says Mrs Hollis is jealous and wants Bernice, and the baby all to herself, not even treating Theodore decent, he came with her, but had to put up at the hotel, not room enough in her twenty one roomed house for him but he does not care for her. Pa brought home some needles that Lena thinks will do for the machine.