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Kate is in a feeble condition, just able to get from her bed to a chair. Well this is one of the nicest days, we have had for many a day. I have got Pa to fill up all my small boxes with dirt and put down Bellora to warm & dry up, so to start my seeds towards spring in. The day after Dykeman's funeral, I called down to see Mrs D & Grace, they both went back on that 11 o clock train that morning. She was looking pretty good and could get about some, but her back is bad. Louis is living there all by his lonesome. he has had a talk with Pa, and they appreciate what he has done for the family, and dont mean to have him lose anything by it. That silk Pa got in Boston, I have made two other ties and there is still some left. It came on large spools, he paid 1.25 a spool, & I have told him to carry back the other two this week, which I guess he intends to do.
I am going to give Lene one of those ties so you see that pays me for my work. Ma.