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so that we shall have some one.  I have made a pretty sofa cushion for those milk weeds I gathered this fall, and covered it with that old yellow silk curtain, that Worcester folk sent down with their stuff, and over that the old fish net that came with Uncle Lem Gay's bureau, and that wasnt quite long enough, so at each end I put the hair pin work on the chair side of our hall clock, its very pretty, meant to look at only.  I have been footing out my old stockins with the legs of Pa's old woolen stockins, so that I shant have cold feet this winter, it is a great scheme now. and uses up old things, and saves buying new.  I have two more prs of stockins in your box that have not been used, so I dont need any more you know. I have been having tooth ache this week and am about ready to have it out it makes me feel spunky for it takes the ambition out of me.  I hate to lose it too. I am sitting by the fire in the kitchen have just put on the sweet potatoes to boil, beef roast and an apple pie is the bill of fare for today.  Lena we expect was invited home to stay over Sunday with a teacher.  Well this is all I think of this time Ma.