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Stoughton Sep 26th 1920

Dear Doris
Well I have finished washing out my clothes and now I'l write my letter to you. Your coat came the first of the week and think its entirely satisfactory. the buttons are sewed on and if not in their right place, you can change them when you get them there. We are having a hot wave for the the harvest moon season, although to day the wind is in the north east and is somewhat cooler, I had to go downtown last night, as I was out of some things that were needed, and as I was into Niekols store who should be there waiting for the Barge, but Ella, her sister Minnie was in the store, they had been over to Brockton to see their other sister, she was for talking about you and Sidney, she was quite taken with him and said isn't he fine, so clean looking and interesting. I got down to the store about twenty minutes to closing up time, then Pa took me over to Websters and we had an icecream. While we were there, Alice Winship came in and stopped

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My appetite is good since the cool September days set in. I feel more natural. Cool weather agrees with me every time. Sue has not got home yet. Alice & Percy were to Abbie Delnos over the week end, Horace is alone, Maud and I were speaking of them she was thinking it was too bad to leave him alone so much but then there is no humanity to any of the crowd that I can see they are terrible tiresome all self. Alice only teaches afternoons Pa met Georgie Taylor the other day on the street & he told her that she was looking well & she said she was feeling fine & said her color was all natural and wouldnot rub off. Well I guess I have strung this out long enough so will say good bye Ma
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