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Well our dinner wont take long to get as I have only to warm up a soup which I made yesterday and for supper I can have milk.  Pa says its too "bloody warm to stay out splitting wood in the hot sun".  Knute came over last night think he is lonesome living alone, he says no one knows anything about it till they try it.  Elsie writes that she dont know but Wallace will come down to stay this winter with Knute.  Last Sunday night after Lena went home after an early supper Pa was lonesome, so stumped me to go down to call on the McDonalds so we got there and found them eating their supper they had a girl, I suppose it was Francis young lady, visiting them.  Florence played the piano they were proud of her ability, she takes to it, but Annie does not it seems so they are going to give Florence the lessons for all she is worth, while we were there they sent Francis down town after cream to treat us.  There is no limit to their generosity.;  They gave me a large boquet of daliahs to bring home, and insisted on bringing us home in the auto, but we said