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...Honor Roll...

Major Caleb West
Captain Leon Rubenstein
Lieutenant Morton F. Bird
Lieutenant Edward H. Ewing
Ensign Rudolph H. Wyner
Ensign Isadore A. Wyner
Sergt.-Major Harold H. Bird
Sergeant Andreas B. Lord
Sergeant George E. Turner
Sergeant Herbert Mitchell
Sergeant Edgar S. Malcolm
Chief Petty Officer Clayton L. Luckenbach
Corporal Owen E. McGarvey
Corporal Peter J. McGarvey
Private Harry Kartstein
Private Carl G. Jansson, Jr.
Private Carl W. Randall
Private Earl F. Hoyt
Private Harold M. Curtis
Private Frederick G. Maynard
Private George A. McGarvey
Private Walter E. Parent, Jr.


Reception, 7.15 to 8 o'clock
Viewing war trophies and war relics
Address of welcome by Worshipful George H. Dears
The Old Flag    Arranged
Lotus Male Quartette of Boston
Dialect Stories by Miss Ethel Hinton
Solo, The Americans Come, by Mr. Raymond    Foster
In The Air with Lieutenant Morton F. Bird
Selection, Gay Hearts, Quartette    Macey
Overseas Experiences, Miss Hinton
Presentation of Henry Price Medals
By Right Worshipful Ira F. Burnham to Worshipful Elmer W. Walker
Brother George W. Dutton
Brother Abram C. Paul
Solo, Gates of the Temple, Mr. Hicks    Knapp
Impersonations, Miss Hinton
Selection, In the Garden, Quartette    Arranged