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on your sympathy too much for your own good. Well after starting my dinner and doing the other odds and ends, I will now see if I can finish this letter. Pa is busy as a bee every spare moment he gets, you cant imagin what he is doing these days, he is going over the wood work with a polish, that makes our four rooms look like new and the furniture also. it is a polish that Webster Smith used to make for the same purpose. One part Linseed oil one of turpentine, & one of vinegar, the latter cleanes. So you see I wont have to do much house cleaning this spring. I am lucky for once. Lena did not come out on account of the snow storm, it was a lonesome day, I had no one to speak to all day, and all the evening, but I was pretty busy on the Jackets. I am throug with the chinchilla thank the Lord. I am going to send in twenty tomorrow. My [[etie?]] came from Norwood yesterday to stay with the folks over Sunday, and is going to Willmington the middle of the week, the weather permitting, she is growing awful large, big as two common people. Mrs Dykeman had a shock Tuesday a dreadful one that paralyzed the whole left side. Mary Edna is taking care of her, with the boys help nights. They are looking for another one. symptoms are very bad, poor thing.