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Lena also a bag from Cousin Addie. and Helen Gage sent us a picture of herself taken by one of Mabel Bunninghams boys out back of her house in acknoledgement of the handkerchief we sent on her 80th birthday. Ed Leonard gave Pa his yearly donation of a large bottle of elderberry wine. they had 18 people to their xmas dinner. Amy expects to undergo an opperation for appendicitis. but they say its not quite time to opperate. The thermometer was 0° this morning and it dont seem to warm up. Lena sits by the radio with a flatiron at her feet and one in her lap, trying to keep warm and Pa with his back to the radio also, vibrating between the heater and the barn, saying "well Loo we cant help it". Our little set did good service Friday we got ex good service from it at night Ottawa Florida, Montreal Jacksonville, the best I have ever heard and such a variety We were more than satisfied, we were listening in till most eleven o'clock. Lena said a better entertainment would [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] hardly ever find.
Well so long Ma.