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Stoughton December 13th 1925

Dear Kids
The week has been rather uneventful, two of our oldest residents have past on to the higher life, Major Dutton and Louisa Johnson, also Mrs John Pies body brought here for burial also. the old people are slowly fading away making room for the new groth such is life.
I have made the big wreath for our lot and Pa is now on his way to place it on there before it storms. althou today it is very sunny, but cold, I went down to Blakes Thursday and found her having one of her bad spells. she was under the influence of dope, and did not realize much going on around her, he poor man, was doing all he could to relieve her, there was nothing I could do, so I came home, but he has kept me informed about her every day and now the doctor is not coming again unless they send for him, so they consider her better I may look in on her today if not too cold. I am feeling pretty tired today, and mean to rest up if possible.