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The wedding cake was very good, her niece made it, and hired it frosted. but of course there was not much of it one could eat although the other two asked for a second helping, rather piggish I thought. but we had a good social time, and they brought us home. Jimmie came unexpected just as we had got on our things prepared to starting out on foot. I have had your sugar bags on the line a whole week whitening so that when I get time I am going to make them up into sash curtains. Some more yarn came Friday. I have had most a whole day between times in which I made the jacket for Mrs. Dykeman to give to Ollie it was a very large size, and hard, coarse yarn, difficult to do, and I was glad to get it off my hands you may believe. 

Pa has just come home home with his xmas greens to make a wreath for our  lot in the cemetery. Also a bush of Indian  head, he got up to Ferrins, also so me xmas ferns, so I am well fixed for greens and winter boquetts you see. I am boiling parsnips just dug from our garden and turnip and potatoes I shall have some saucage meat to go with them, also squash pie, made two yesterday, that will constitute our Sunday dinner. Pa has come home tired and is now cleaning up  for dinner Thursday Mrs. June accross the road called here she is pretty and ladylike they are Methodists he came over the other night to look at our set he wanted to know how to set his up coming just like ours only three tube. Well this is enough for now.