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Stoughton November 15th 1925

Dear Doris
       I am waiting for my dinner to cook, so will drop you a line or two meanwhile. The week has gone slow nothing of any note has occurred. Alice came over from Lewalls Friday afternoon, and stayed over night and Saturday after dinner went out to Everette bag and baggage where she expects to get something to do to earn something as she feels as though she has been idle long enough.
       We are having nice days. I have been down to Blakes one afternoon and took my jackets, Monday we sent in a doz. and Thursday I got more yarn and my check, so there seems to be prosperity a head of me for a while at least.
       Today I dug my dahlias and found they were plump and in good condition. after they dry a while I mean to put them away down cellar in sand, then in the spring I mean to set them where they will get the sun and see if they wont blossom.