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Stoughton May 3rd" 1925

Dear Doris
     The day is going fast, here it is half past two and my letter not written, I have been busy out of doors, digging dandelions, and setting out things, lugging liquid stuff from the barn cellar, and getting dinner.
     Gertrude has been over after some tools to take down their radio set and a broom to sweep up their empty basement, they moved to Nantucket yesterday and came up this morning after their set. They want Pa to let their house for them Stanley looks pretty bad and we are in hopes the sea air will help him. he has no strength, they will try to let rooms down there, and the house here also. here and with what he gets from his bonus, they will get along nicely if he gets strong enough to go to work they will find him something easy to do but he will have to live nearer the city so this house will then be for sale again.

  Since dinner Pa has had his nap and now is out digging again  he sees so much to do that he goes right at it before